FeRAM in general

  • What is FeRAM?

    FeRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory) is a non-volatile memory that uses a ferroelectric film as a capacitor to store data. FeRAM has the characteristics of both ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory), and features faster write, great read/write cycle endurance, and low power consumption. Please visit our website on FRAM products in detail.
  • Has FeRAM already been used in any applications today?

    Yes. Since started mass production of FeRAM in 1999, we have been assuring high quality and stable supply of FeRAM products to our valued customers over 20 years.
  • Is there any company who manufactures and provides FeRAM products?

    Yes. There are several FeRAM suppliers in worldwide.
  • I'd like to know more details on FeRAM. Can I have a meeting with Fujitsu Semiconductor Memory Solution?

    Yes, we're pleased. Please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or please give us your requirements through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Where can I get the brochures, datasheets, or presentation materials for FeRAM?

    You can get FeRAM brochures and FeRAM datasheets from our website. If you prefer to have more detailed materials for FeRAM products, please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or request us the documents through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form."
  • I'd like to evaluate FeRAM samples. How or where can I get evaluation samples?

    You can use 3 options linked from on our website. You can get some FeRAM samples through "Buy via Online" linked to external online shopping site. Or, please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or request us evaluation samples through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form."
  • Are FRAM, F-RAM, and FeRAM the same ones?

    Yes. All FRAM, F-RAM, and FeRAM mean the Ferroelectric Random Access Memory.
  • I'm not familiar to FeRAM. Does FeRAM have any different control or operation compared to conventional memories?

    FeRAM products don't have any difficulty to use, because FeRAM products are compatible with standard memories such as EEPROM and low power SRAM. FeRAM with serial interface (I2C, SPI) are compatible function as serial EEPROM or serial flash memory. FeRAMs with parallel interface can be used as low power SRAM known as pseudo SRAM or battery-backup SRAM.
  • What kinds of applications has FeRAM been adopted?

    FeRAM has been adopted in the applications that require memory in small density and frequent data writing. Examples of applications are; OA equipment such as MFP for counter and print record, FA equipment such as measuring device and analyzer for parameters stored and data logging, financial terminal such as ATM for transaction history, metering in infrastructure, car navigation systems and audio equipment. Please visit our website for other applications.

Comparing with Other Memories


  • We're looking for pseudo SRAM or alternative solution. Is parallel FeRAM replaceable with low power SRAM?

    Yes. Since FeRAM products with parallel interface have SRAM compatible interface, we can suggest the FeRAM solutions to replace with low power SRAM for the customers who would like to remove a battery for data retention. Please note that some FeRAM products with parallel interface are not full-compatible to standard low power SRAM.
    Please contact authorized distributors, or please give us your inquiries and/or technical questions through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.

Other memories

  • How much is the low power consumption?

    For example, comparing EEPROM with FeRAM. In case of the write power of 256 bytes, the power of FeRAM is about 1/30 as low as that of EEPROM.
  • What is new generation memories NRAM?

    Non-Volatile RAM using CNT, Carbon nanotubes.Please refer to the press release on our website
  • What is the differences between FeRAM and other new generation memories such as ReRAM, MRAM, and NVRAM?

    ReRAM features an extremely small average current in read operations, it is suitable for applications that frequently read-out the programs stored in memory. For example, wearable devices and medical devices such as hearing aids. MRAM features fast write speed. On the other hand, since the high power consumption at write operation, it tends to generation heat. In addition, MRAM may be weak against magnetic field. Countermeasures against both two points need to be considered especially for industrial applications. NVRAM needs additional capacitor or battery for data retention at sudden power down.BOM cost when NVRAM is used for applications may be higher than that of FeRAM.

EEPROM, Flash memory

  • What is the serial memory? What is the differences between I²C interface and SPI interface?

    We define the FeRAM products with serial bus interface(I2C and SPI) as "serial memories" in our FeRAM family.
    Serial bus is a communication method to operate continuous data input and output by one bit.
    I2C interface of serial bus is an interface to control data input/output using two signal lines of "SCL" for clock control and "SDA" for address and data control. SPI interface is that to control its operation using four signal lines of "SCK" for clock, "SI" for address and data input, "SO" for data output, and "CS" for chip select.
  • How fast can FeRAM execute write operation?

    Write times of non-volatile memories are spcified in the specs as FRAM = 150ns, EEPROM = 10ms, Flash memory = 10us, thus FeRAM is 7,0000 times faster than EEPROM for write operation. EEPROM and Flash memory need the byte- or sector- erase operation before write operation, and it results longer write time. FeRAM enables the overwrite in the memory cells without erase operation, therefore, it has faster write feature despite of non-volatile memory.
  • Is FeRAM replaceable with NAND Flash memory?

    Yes, it depends on case. Since FeRAM products with 10 trillion read/write cycle endurance don't need the ware leveling for much frequent write operation, there are cases that some applications using NAND Flash memory with ware levelling can replace with 4Mbit or 8Mbit products.
    If you have any interests in use of FeRAM for your applications, please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or please give us your inquiries and/or technical questions through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Is FeRAM replaceable with EEPROM?

    Yes. Since FeRAM product with serial interface, I2C and SPI, in 8-pin SOP package is compatible with standard EEPROM in 8-pin SOP, FeRAM can be replaceable with EEPROM used in those applications or systems without any design change of routing and foot-print on PCB board.
    If you have any interests in use of FeRAM for your applications, please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or please give us your inquiries and/or technical questions through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Is FeRAM price higher than EEPROM's?

    Regarding pricing, please contact Kaga FEI's sales offices in worldwide, or please give us your inquiry on pricing through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.

FRAM Characteristics, Specs, Supports

Read/Write Cycles

  • Why is the read operation of FeRAM counted as one of guaranteed read/write cycles?

    After read operation, FeRAM automatically write back the data read-out in the same cells again. Therefore, read operation is counted as one read/write cycle.
  • If only read operation is performed, can FeRAM guarantee the read cycles of unlimited?

    No, it's not unlimited. FeRAM can guarantee minimum read/write endurance times (= read/write cycles guaranteed) in total of read times and write times.
  • Fujitsu mentions 10 trillion times of read/write cycles guaranteed. The guaranteed value is applied to every bytes on ch...

    Endurance is ten trillion by one byte, not by a whole chip. Thus, assuming a customer performs read or write operations to different addresses, read or write operations of ten trillion to the independent addresses in each are guaranteed.

Data Retention

  • Other non-volatile memory suppliers mention the long-term data retention period such as 35 years or more. Can Fujitsu gu...

    Yes. We can guarantee that under some conditions. Data retention period is affected by the environmental temperature in which the end-products is used. Our spec of data guaranteed for 10 years is the value of that a customer uses our FeRAM product at fixed 85℃ condition. If a customer uses FeRAM product in the end-product at lower temperature than 85℃, such as 25℃ or 60℃, Fujitsu can guarantee longer data retention period more than 10 years on theoretically calculated. Some FeRAM products describe extended data retention period on datasheets respectively.
    If you have further question, please contact authorized distributors, or request us your inquiry through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form."


  • Can Fujitsu ship FeRAM products in die or wafer form?

    Regarding the request of shipping form, please contact authorized distributors, or please give us your inquiry through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Is package type of FeRAM only SOP type? Is there any plan to have other package type?

    In serial interface FeRAM family, most of all products have SOP package form. In addition, in order to meet request of small and thin package form for wearable device applications, we offer very small package of 3 x 2 mm such as WL-CSP and SON.
    In parallel interface FeRAM family, all products are in TSOP package. In addition, 256Kbit FeRAM has SOP package.
    Regarding the request of package form, please contact authorized distributors, or please give us your inquiry through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Does not FeRAM viorate the directive RoHS because it mentions FeRAM contains the lead (Pb) in the crystal structure?

    No. FeRAM doesn't viorate the directive RoHS. Since the lead (Pb) content in FeRAM products is less than 1,000ppm, FeRAM conforms to the RoHS.
  • Do FeRAM devices comply with RoHS Directive?

    Yes. Our devices comply with RoHS Directive. Regarding the details, please refer to the "Response to RoHS Regulation" website introducing our responses to EU RoHS and China RoHS.
  • Can Fujitsu tell us any concrete values showing the feature of "low power consumption"?

    For example, comparing power consumption of EEPROM and FeRAM (conditions of 2Mbit, SPI interface, 2Kbyte data write, 1sec, and 5MHz frequency), EEPROM consumes 5.80mJ and FeRAM consumes 0.46mJ. Therefore, FeRAM has one- thirteenth power consumption and 92% less power.
  • Is any special memory controller needed to use FeRAM? Should I use any special MCU when FeRAM is used in our application...

    No. You can use standard memory controllers and MCU. FeRAM can be used for your system as standard memory.
  • Can I get IBIS or Verilog simulation models of FeRAM?

    Regarding the availability of IBIS or Verilog simulation models of each FeRAM product, you can confirm the status from the Product Lineup. Then, please contact authorized distributors, or please give us your inquiry through the "FeRAM Sample/Document Requests & Inquiry Form" on our website.
  • Are FeRAM devices affected by magnetic fields?

    No. The prefix "ferro" of the term "ferroelectric", which has the meaning of "iron", often misleads people to the misunderstanding that FeRAM are strongly affected by external magnetic field. In fact "Ferroelectricity" was historically coined in the analogy to ferromagnetism due to the phenomenon of hysteresis, which is similar for both materials. Nevertheless, Ferroelectricity does not contain ferromagnetic materials and has nothing to do with magnetism. While memory devices using ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic elements, such as Fe, Co, Ni, Cr, etc., their related materials and/or compounds, are strongly affected by external magnetic field, Ferroelectric RAM devices are basically not affected by magnetic field because they do not use ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic elements.